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New Zealand Trip blog - Part 1


For my 30th birthday my fiancè and I went to New Zealand for 2 weeks and it was everything I could've ever hoped for! It was filled with so much adventure and exploration. I couldn't have asked for a better destination to both celebrate my birthday and to record such incredible environments. This will be part one of a short series of posts outlining my journey throughout recording New Zealand!

We traveled throughout the South island of NZ via a R.V. and it was just magical! A lot of NZ is very rural and traveling by R.V. just made sense. We didn't have to worry about where we were going to eat or where we were going to stay for the night; everything was self contained.

The first location I recorded was at a place called Lake Paringa. We were one of the only people staying at the campsite and the conditions were absolutely pristine for recording the beautiful & tranquil morning. It was so peaceful and all of the birds delivered such amazing songs. This was my first day recording and I was so excited!

I thought I had all of my gear setup correctly the night before - that way when I woke up at sunrise I would be ready to go! However, I soon realized that after a few minutes of recording that I was having some technical difficulties with my cables. I have a suspicion that since the temperature was so cold that this was causing the small little clicking sound I was hearing throughout an HOUR of recording! I was devastated.


Thank goodness I brought some extra cables just in case. Luckily I was able to switch out my cables and resume recording to capture another 2 hours worth of raw recordings. From that point forward I knew that I needed to test all my gear to make sure that it was all working as intended before heading out for the day to start any new recordings.

Let me know what you think of the trip! I have a couple more blog posts lined up outlining other locations, more issues I encountered and my experiences recording in one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen!

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